The Student Records Office is responsible for the development and enhancement of systems involved in the processing and maintenance of the student’s academic record including the issuance of academic transcripts, diplomas, and verification of either enrollment or graduation to external agencies consistent with currently mandated privacy practices. The Student Records Office processes applications for graduation, coordinates with the academic divisions to process final grades, change of grades, no show withdrawals, and requests to audit a course. Additionally, the office reports ACT 48 credits for educators and assists students, staff, and faculty with registration matters.
Students returning to the college after an absence of a year or more should see admissions for readmission.
Act 48
Act 48 is a requirement for all Pennsylvania certified teachers in K-12 schools. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, teachers must take professional development courses in order to maintain their certification. These professional activities can be:
• 6 Collegiate Credits
• 6 PDE approved credits in the form of seminars or workshops offered by school districts
• 180 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
• Any combination of the above
Process for reporting Act 48 credits is:
• Students must have registered with PDE
• To get Act 48 credit reported to PDE, the request must go to Student Records,
• Students must email their names and PDE identification numbers to Student Records
• The course MUST BE completed prior to sending the email
• The College reports to PDE the hours and credit equivalency
For more information, call Student Records at 610-359-2838.
Change of Major
Students who want to change from one program of study to another should meet with their academic advisor or counselor. The advisor can discuss the options available and furnish the necessary petition for change of curriculum. This petition should be signed by the advisor and submitted to the Assessment Services when completed. Students changing their program of study may request that grades of “D,” “F,” “N” and “WF” earned in the former curriculum be excluded in computing the new grade point average (GPA), if these grades were in courses that are not required in the newly chosen curriculum.
This policy also applies to elective courses in which these grades were earned when a student changes from a college-transfer curriculum to a career program and vice versa. The appropriate dean must approve the exclusion of grades. A student may make this request only once. All courses taken and grades earned remain on the transcript as part of the student’s academic history; only the student’s GPA is recalculated.
Legal Name Change/SSN Update
What is a legal name change?
A legal name is the name that appears on your passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, and/or U.S. Social Security Card.
How can I change my legal name with the college?
Students who have legally changed their name should provide one of the following documents to show proof of the legal name change:
• certified marriage certificate issued by the county court where your marriage license was processed
• court order
• divorce decree
• adoption records
• amended, certified birth certificate issued by a government Office of Vital Statistics/Records with a raised/embossed seal
Current students can send the appropriate document securely to Student Records (must have access to delaGATE), or send an email (unsecure) from your Delaware County Community College student email, or visit us on campus. If you are a former student, you can send the documents to (unsecure), mail a copy to student records, or you can come in person. Legal name changes will not be approved without the appropriate documentation.
Where will my legal first name be used?
• Transcripts
• Diplomas (You can request a preferred first name on your diploma when you submit your graduation application.)
• Enrollment Verifications
• National Student Clearinghouse
• Other areas of the college may use legal name
Some of the College’s systems do not have the ability to display preferred name rather than legal name. As a result, you may find it helpful to inform all instructors, advisors, and coaches of your preferred name. Click here for information about requesting a preferred first name change.
How can I change my student email address to reflect my legal name change?
Please enter a helpdesk ticket at if you would like to have your school email address changed to reflect the name change.
Change or Correction of Social Security Number
Social Security Number changes and corrections can be sent to the Records Office by sending a copy of your social security card. Current students can send the appropriate document securely to Student Records (must have access to delaGATE), or send an email (unsecure) from your Delaware County Community College student email, or visit us on campus. If you are a former student, you can send the documents to (unsecure), mail a copy to student records, or you can come in person.
Preferred Name
What is a preferred name?
A preferred name is a first name used on a daily basis that is significantly different from the student’s legal first name.
What qualifies a student to use a preferred name?
Any student who uses a name other than their legal name, for any reason, is welcome to update their information in delaGATE and Canvas. Examples of reasons to use a preferred name include:
• Student’s legal name is inconsistent with their gender identity
• Student primarily uses their middle name instead of their first name
• Student goes by a nickname significantly different from their first name
• International students or other students who wish to adopt an anglicized nickname during their course of study
Note: Nicknames that are common abbreviations of first names (such as “Joe” for “Joseph” or “Kate” for “Kaitlyn”) are not covered under this procedure. For clarification on whether a name is a common abbreviation, students may contact Student Records.
How can I request a preferred first name change?
Students should follow this three step process to ensure that their preferred name is visible in all spaces in which the preferred name can be populated after it is modified (please see list below of where preferred names appear).
STEP ONE: Update preferred name in delaGATE
Students can submit a preferred name change through the delaGATE portal under Student > Registration & Records > Update Contact Info > Update your biographical and demographic information under Personal Information > Personal Information button > Preferred First Name (and Pronouns using the Personal Pronoun drop-down).
STEP TWO: Update preferred name in Canvas
Students can update their preferred name in their Canvas Class List under the delaGATE portal > Apps > Canvas > Account > Profile > Settings > Full Name/Display Name/Sortable Name and Pronouns under Account > Profile > Edit Profile > Pronouns.
STEP THREE (Optional): Notify Instructors of name change
If you are making a change to your name after a semester has started, your instructor may have a copy of your class roster that does not reflect changes made to your preferred name. If you are comfortable doing so, reaching out to your professor is an easy way to let them know that their records have changed. Below is an example message you may want to send.
“Hello Professor, I would like to inform you that I have recently made a change to my preferred name, which should now be visible in your records. Please note that my last name is xxx.
Thank you!”
STEP FOUR (Optional): Request a photo id card with your preferred name
Ask if your preferred first name can be added to your photo id card. If you have an old photo id, you can get a replacement with a new photo and your preferred first name by request in Enrollment Central.
Additional information on Preferred names
The preferred first name change is for first names only.
Changes to a student’s last name is a legal name change. Refer to “What If I Want To Make A Legal Name Change/Have Made A Legal Name Change?” below for directions on how to submit a legal name change.
*For Employees, please contact Human Resources regarding legal name changes.*
Where will my preferred name appear?
Once your preferred name is updated, your preferred name will appear in the following places:
• Your personal delaGATE page
• Connect2Success (Preferred Name will appear automatically, and students can enter their Pronouns using the three lines at the top left corner in Connect2Success > click the drop-down arrow next to your name > Edit Profile > Contact Information > Enter Pronouns and Save)
• Degree Works (Preferred Name)
Student Conduct (Preferred Name and Pronouns)
• Email and Display Name can be updated (please enter a helpdesk ticket at if you prefer to have the email address and display name changed instead of legal name)
• Class Roster for enrolled courses for Faculty/Advisor access in delaGATE
We are currently working on integrating preferred name in the following systems:
• Canvas (right now you can manually update your display name under Account > Profile > Settings > Full Name/Display Name/Sortable Name)
• SmartThinking Tutoring (right now you can log in and update your name under My Account > Profile)
Please note the following:
• All official College correspondence will use your legal name.
• The preferred name is used solely for Delaware County Community College’s internal systems where applicable. Official transcripts, enrollment verifications, diplomas, third party database systems, and all external communications, such as hometown newspapers (dean’s list announcements), etc., will continue to use your legal name.
Inappropriate use of the preferred name, including but not limited to, misrepresentation or attempting to avoid a legal obligation, may be cause for denying the request.
Delaware County Community College is legally required to use legal names on all legal documents and contracts, including student bills, financial aid information, official and unofficial transcripts, enrollment verification, diplomas, and other documents. Further, this process can only affect Delaware County CC generated systems.
What if I want to make or have made a legal name change?
Students interested in making a legal name change should check the regulations of their home state.
Students who have completed a legal name change should provide supporting documentation to show proof of the legal name change (marriage or birth certificate, court order, or divorce decree) and send to Legal name changes will not be approved without the appropriate documentation.
Enrollment Verification
Verification and certification of student status, dates of attendance and degrees conferred are performed by Enrollment Central. College policy and the provisions set forth in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 are followed. Letters verifying enrollment for lenders, insurance companies, employers, and others may be requested in person at Enrollment Central located in the Lobby of Founders Hall, on the Marple Campus, or by written request to:
Student Records
Delaware County Community College
901 S. Media Line Road
Media, PA 19063
Fax: 610-723-1530 or email:
Forms requiring certification or verification of enrollment by Enrollment Central may be submitted in person or through the mail or online. Please be specific as to the information required, sign the request and provide an address and phone number where you can be reached during business hours (Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–8 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.) should questions arise concerning your certification request.
FERPA Waiver
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Also known as the Buckley Amendment and referred to as the protector of student confidentiality and student rights, FERPA is a federal law enacted in 1974 that mandates student access to educational records, and provides mechanisms to amend them. FERPA provides protections against the unwanted distribution of grades and other reports without certain permissions, and regulates the transfer of test and other data.
Policy on Student Confidentiality
As outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a student has the right to have his or her educational records remain confidential. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives request for access. Students must submit to the Student Records Office a written request specifying the record(s) they want to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place to inspect the record. If the Student Records Office does not maintain the records the student requested, the Registrar will advise the student of the correct official to contact.
2. The right to request the amendment of education records that students believe are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Students may ask the College to amend a record by writing to the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. FERPA was not intended to provide a process to question substantive judgments, which are properly recorded. The rights of challenge do not apply, for example, to an argument that the student deserved a higher grade in a course if the grade recorded is the grade submitted by the faculty member. Click here for policies applying to grade appeals.
If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Students who wish to appeal the decision should direct their request for an appeal to the office of the vice president for enrollment management. The College will provide the student with specific information regarding the hearing procedures upon the receipt of a request for a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, insurance agent, or official of the National Student Loan Clearing House); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
The College may disclose education records without consent in certain other circumstances:
• To comply with a court order or certain types of subpoenas
• To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency
• To officials of another school, upon written request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
• In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary, to determine the eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid
• To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller general, to state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported programs
• To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions
• To organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the College
• The results of an institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence may be released to the alleged victim of that crime with respect to that crime
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Contact the office that administers FERPA at: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington. DC 20202-4605.
5. The College designates the following as public or Directory Information that may be released without a student’s written consent, unless the student specifies to the contrary as described below:
• Student name, address, phone number and e-mail address
• Major field of study and degree sought or completed
• Dates of attendance
• Degrees and awards received
• Expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation
• Full or part time enrollment status and classification (freshman or sophomore)
• Most recent previous education agency or institution attended
• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
• Height and weight of athletic team members
• Date of birth
• Delaware County Community College will release only the following directory information to telephonic requests: student name, degree sought or completed, expected dates of completion of degree requirements or graduation, and enrollment status.
6. Students may restrict the release of Directory Information, except to school officials with legitimate educational interest and those listed in #3 above. A student must make the request in writing at the student records office within two weeks of the beginning of the semester. Requests are valid for one year from the date of submission. Students must understand that withholding directory information prevents the College from verifying attendance or graduation to potential employers, publishing the student’s name in a graduation program or dean’s list, and makes athletes ineligible to participate in any activity requiring publication of a team roster. For purposes of compliance with FERPA, the College considers
all students independent.
Grade Appeal
Policy 2.15: Grade Appeals
In the interest of due process, the College provides an appeal process for a student who believes that a recorded final grade does not accurately reflect his/her academic performance in a course. This policy is applicable for both credit and noncredit offerings. Grades can be appealed in instances where a student believes that an inaccurate final grade has been issued such as arbitrary grade issuance, inconsistent grading practice, or mechanical error.
As the initiator of the process, the burden of proof is on the student to demonstrate the grade is inaccurate. It is incumbent upon the student, while attempting to resolve the issue, to strictly adhere to the established appeal procedure.
Grade Appeals Procedures
A student who is dissatisfied with a grade should first discuss the situation with the course instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the instructor’s reason for awarding a certain grade, the student may appeal to that instructor’s dean. Grade appeals not resolved with the course instructor must be submitted in writing to the appropriate dean within one year of receiving the grade.
The appropriate dean will examine the facts and make a decision.
Students may appeal the decision of the dean by submitting a written appeal to the provost. The provost will study the facts and make a decision, with notification of the decision. The Vice President of Academic Affairs decision is final.
The following chart summarizes the appeal process:
Contact | Form of Appeal | Decision Period |
1. Instructor | Verbal | Immediate |
2. Dean | Written | 10 Days |
3. Vice President of Academic Affairs | Written | 10 Days |
Request for Reinstatement
College personnel may cancel or drop students from courses for several reasons, including non-payment, low course enrollment, or non-participation in the first week of the class. Students who are removed from courses by College personnel for any of these reasons may request to be reinstated. Reinstatement is not guaranteed but may be considered under certain circumstances. Please follow the appropriate steps outlined below to request reinstatement back into a course.
Canceled for non-payment (before the start of the term or during Add/Drop)
Students who are dropped for non-payment before the start of the term or during the Add/Drop period can re-register themselves online through delaGATE if there is still an available seat in the course and they do not have holds preventing them from registering. Students who have difficulty reinstating themselves should send an email to or stop by Enrollment Central to be reinstated. When emailing the Records Office, please provide your name, student ID number, and the course CRN, term, and name.
Students who need advising for advice on alternate courses are encouraged to meet with their assigned academic advisor. Students can locate assigned advisors in Degree Works on delaGATE. If the assigned advisor is unavailable, students can make an appointment with Career and Counseling Services (recommended) or participate in Drop-in Registration events, either in person or virtually. Students can visit for details.
Canceled for non-payment (after Add/Drop)
Students who are dropped for non-payment after the end of the Add/Drop period must get approval from the instructor and appropriate academic dean for the course. The following steps outline this process:
- Be prepared to pay for the course immediately upon registration or speak with the financial aid office or student accounts to learn about payment options.
- Once prepared to make payment or payment arrangement, contact course instructor or the appropriate academic division to request permission for reinstatement.
- Once approved, the dean’s office will email student accounts who will complete the reinstatement.
- Make payment or payment arrangement immediately following registration.
No Show Withdrawal
Students who have been withdrawn for non-participation in the first week of the class (i.e., no show withdrawn) can request to be reinstated. The following steps outline this process:
- Request permission to be reinstated from the respective faculty member who submitted the no show withdrawal request.
- If reinstatement is approved by the faculty member, the faculty member will email with the student’s name, ID #, and the course to be reinstated.
- Students who have difficulty contacting the faculty member should contact the appropriate academic dean for assistance.
Canceled for Low Enrollment
Students whose courses were canceled for low enrollment should meet with their assigned academic advisor to find an alternate course. Students can locate their advisor in Degree Works on delaGATE. If the assigned advisor is unavailable, students can make an appointment with Career and Counseling Services (recommended) or participate in Drop-in Registration events, either in person or virtually. Students can visit for details.
Request Transcript or Replacement Diploma
Before You Order a Transcript or Diploma Replacement
Complete the following steps in this preorder checklist to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible.
- Confirm that all grades and degrees (if applicable) have been posted to your record.
- Check the accuracy of your name. Complete a Name Change request if your name is incorrect or has changed since you last attended.
- Verify the accuracy of the recipient’s email address or mailing address.
Ordering a Transcript or Diploma Replacement
If you would like an official transcript or diploma replacement, you can order one online. The College does not accept transcript or diploma replacement requests via fax or email.
To request a copy of a GED transcript, diploma, or letter of verification of high school equivalency, visit
Graduates of the Police Academy who need a replacement diploma will need to contact the Police Academy for a replacement. You may still request a transcript through Parchment.
Transcript or Diploma Replacement order status can be viewed at any time by logging into your Parchment account. Students with holds, such as, financial or address updates, will not have their transcript or diploma released and may be prevented from placing an order.
Options & Cost
eTranscripts: $5.75
USPS Domestic: $2.50+$5.75 approximately 3-5 business days
USPS International: $5+$5.75 approximately 5-7 business days
Fed Ex Domestic: $25 + $5.75 if ordered by 4:30 p.m. EST will be shipped overnight. Otherwise, it’s the next night.
Fed Ex International: $47.50 + $5.75 if ordered by 4:30 p.m. EST will be shipped overnight. Otherwise, it’s the next night.
Diploma Replacements (You will also receive a link for a digital diploma):
USPS Domestic: $2.50+$5.75
USPS International: $5.40+$5.75
Fed Ex Domestic: $25 + $5.75
Fed Ex International: $47.50 + $5.75
Parchment charges a 5% credit card surcharge fee.
Effective October 1, 2024 (shipping rates are increasing)
eTranscripts: $5.75
USPS Domestic: $2.75 (S+H) +$5.75 approximately 3-5 business days
USPS International: $5.75 (S+H) +$5.75 approximately 5-7 business days
Fed Ex Domestic: $33 (S+H) + $5.75 if ordered by 4:30 p.m. EST will be shipped overnight. Otherwise, it’s the next night.
Fed Ex International: $60 (S+H) + $5.75 if ordered by 4:30 p.m. EST will be shipped overnight. Otherwise, it’s the next night.
Diploma Replacements (You will also receive a link for a digital diploma):
USPS Domestic: $2.75 (S+H) +$5.75
USPS International: $5.75 (S+H) +$5.75
Fed Ex Domestic: $33 (S+H) + $5.75
Fed Ex International: $60 (S+H) + $5.75
Parchment charges a 5% credit card surcharge fee.
Submit Official Transcript
If you are a transfer student and previously attended another regionally accredited college and would like credits transferred to the College:
Request that the college(s) you attended send(s) an official copy of your transcript to:
Records Office
Delaware County Community College
901 South Media Line Road
Media, PA 19063-1094
Students who have attended a college or university outside of the United States may be able to transfer their credits into Delaware County Community College. To do so, students should have their official, English-translated transcripts evaluated course-by-course by any member of NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) and have the evaluations sent to the Records Office.
For Electronic Transcripts, Colleges and Universities can send transcript to
Students should refer to their Degree Works account for the results of the evaluation.
To request a re-evaluation of a transcript previously sent, complete and submit the re-evaluation form.