• Provide a formal protocol for addressing behaviors that impact the well-being of an individual or the College community.
• Connect members of the College community to needed resources.
• Determine and initiate appropriate responses to ensure that services, support and resources are deployed effectively.
• Balance the needs of the student and those of the College community at large.

• Student has excessive absences from class or group activity
Student makes concerning communications to an instructor
• Student’s behavior indicates heightened/extreme personal distress
• Student exhibits unusual behavior
• Concern a student is suffering from impaired mental status
• Concern a student may be having thoughts of suicide
• Student is experiencing stress over housing or financial insecurity

• Assist faculty or staff in developing a plan of action
• Refer the student to appropriate community resources
• Facilitate a meeting between concerned parties
• Mandate psychological assessment
• Recommend voluntary or involuntary removal from a class or the College
• Make other recommendations consistent with College policies or procedures
• Recommend no action, pending further observation

• Charles Schnur, Director of Student Conduct (Chair)
• Dana Baker, Assistant Dean, Business, Computing & Social Science
• Lynette Luckers, Dean, Counseling and Completion Services
• Matt Brenner, Director of Safety & Security
• Michele Boyle, Professor, Counselor
• Mitch Murtha, Vice President of Student Affairs
• Simone Richardson, Director of Disability Services
• Stephanie Sarafinas, Professor, Counselor

In case of a life-threatening mental health emergency, dial 911 for immediate police and ambulance response. For urgent mental health needs, call 988 or contact local crisis services:

Delaware County Crisis Connection Team: 1-855-889-7827

Chester County Crisis Service: 610-280-3270


Who can submit a referral?

Anyone who is concerned about the behavior of a student at the College is encouraged to submit a CARE referral. Some students may feel more comfortable reporting a concern to counselors, faculty or staff members who will send the information to the CARE Team directly.

Should I approach the student first?

Whenever possible, you should express your concern directly to the student.

What if I’m not ready to make a report, but I just need some advice about handling a student issue?

You can contact the CARE Team Chair, Charles Schnur, at 610-359-7389, the site coordinator at a branch location or Counseling Services at any of our branch locations for consultation on a concern. These individuals will provide tips, ideas and resources on how to approach a situation.

What if I’m not sure if I should report the concern?

You are registering a concern based on an observed behavior (e.g. verbal exchange, disruption, inappropriate action) and not making a determination. Let the College’s CARE Team weigh the information and decide if gathering more information is warranted.

How do I determine if the behavior is best addressed by the CARE Team or other College resources?

You do not need to make this determination. The critical step is that you report the concerning behavior. If another College resource is more appropriate, the CARE Team will refer the student and transfer the information to that resource.

What will happen after I make a referral?

CARE Team members evaluate every report and identify next steps that are appropriate to the situation.

Will the person get in trouble?

The focus of the College’s CARE Team is to provide a safety net so that the student of concern is appropriately supported. If there is an alleged conduct violation for a student, the report could be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Can I submit anonymously?

The CARE Referral form does not require your name to be entered, but we encourage you to identify yourself because this may assist the CARE Team if clarification or if additional information is needed.

What should I do if I have a question not answered above?

All questions and suggestions are welcomed. You can contact the CARE Team Chair, Charles Schnur, at 610-359-7389, or the site coordinator at a branch location.

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