At Delaware County Community College, we offer a full range of clubs and organizations that cover our students’ many interests—both inside and outside the classroom.

College-Wide Reading Program
The College-Wide Reading Program is an initiative intended to provide a common reading that encourages thought, discussion, and collaboration at Delaware County Community College.
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New Media Lab
Interested in producing original, creative content such as podcasts, web series and more? Consider joining the New Media Lab!
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Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among community/junior college students. To achieve this, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for development in the areas of scholarship, leadership, fellowship and service.
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Student Recognition and Awards
DCCC provides many opportunities for students to receive recognition for a variety of different reasons. Campus Life promotes special student awards that are given to College students every spring semester. To find out how to receive a nomination for a student award, please contact Campus Life, information on the right.
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