Area Nursing Prerequisite Grid

Transfer Equivalencies for Pre-licensure Nursing Programs












Alvernia University
3-year BSN

BIO 150 & BIO 151

BIO 230

BIO 220

CHE 101 & CHE 102

PSY 140

PSY 210

MAT 210

Drexel University1

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or 
BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 110 &
CHE 111 or
CHE 101 &
CHE 102

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

SOC 110

SOC 110

MAT 151 and MAT 121 or 210 or BUS 220

PHI 110 or AHA 207
SS Elective
HUM Elective
Any Language
3 Open Electives

Gwynedd Mercy University

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230

BIO 220

CHE 101 &
CHE 102

NG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 120 or higher

HIS, PHI, HUM 160, ENG, MUS, ART, Language

Harcum College

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 100 or
MAT 120 or
MAT 151 or
MAT 152

HUM Elective

Holy Family University2

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230

BIO 220

CHE 101 3

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 1514 and
MAT 2104

2 semesters of consecutive Foreign Language
PHI 100/110, HUM 10, COMM 111, HIS 110

Immaculata University3
4-year program

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 101 

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

BUS 220 or 
MAT 210

PHI 100/110 or AHA 207
HUM 160
ART or ENG Literature
1 semester of a Foreign Language
1 HIS civilization 

La Salle University4

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or 
BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 101

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 120 &
MAT 210

Students should meet with a Transfer Advisor to choose core requirements and ENG 115 or 112

Neumann University5

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or 
BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 102

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 210

See a Transfer Advisor for additional core requirements

Saint Joseph’s University Lancaster
Associate Degree Program Tracks6

BIO 150 &
BIO 1518

BIO 230

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

SOC 110

MAT 120 or MAT 128

AHA 207

Saint Joseph’s University Lancaster
3 or 4-year BSN Track

BIO 150 &
BIO 151

BIO 230

BIO 220

ENG 100 &
ENG 112

PSY 140

SOC 110

MAT 210

AHA 207

Roxborough Memorial Hospital School of Nursing7

BIO 150  &
BIO 151

BIO 230

BIO 220

CHE 110 or
CHE 101

ENG 100

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 210

Thomas Jefferson University8

BIO 150  &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or
BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 110 or
CHE 101

ENG 100
ENG 112
Any ENG above 112

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 151 and MAT 210 or
BUS 220

PSY 220
Pick 1: PHI 100/110, SOC 215/SOC 210/SOC 120 or PSY 225 AHA 207
9 credits of electives

Villanova University9

BIO 150  &
BIO 151

BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 110 or
CHE 101

ENG 100

PSY 140

PSY 210

SOC 110

MAT 210

PSY 220
Pick 1: PHI 100/110, SOC 215/SOC 210/SOC 120 or PSY 225 AHA 207
9 credits of electives

Widener University10

BIO 150  &
BIO 151

BIO 230 or
BIO 240

BIO 220

CHE 110
CHE 101 or
CHE 102

ENG 100
ENG 112
Any ENG above 112

PSY 140

SOC 110

MAT 210 or
BUS 220 or
MAT 121

PHI 100
200 level PSY or SOC
Pick 2: HUM, PHI, HIS, ENG, MUS or Foreign Language
Pick 1: PSY, SOC, ADJ, POL, or COMM course


1. Drexel University: The 2-year non co-op option requires completion of all prerequisite courses listed above prior to application. Students applying to the 3-year one co-op option only need to have completed the ENG 100, 112, PSY 140, BIO 150, 151, 230 or 240, CHE 101 and 102 or 110 and 111 and any foreign language course. Drexel University acceptable Social Science electives include:  ADJ 240; Any ECO; SWO 101; Any POL; Any SOC; Any PSY. Drexel University acceptable Humanities electives include: ART 100; COMM; HUM 100; MUS 101; Any foreign language; Any PHI.

2.  Holy Family University: Students will receive credit for CHE 101 if they complete with a passing grade, BIO 150 & BIO 151 at DCCC. Regardless of the number of transferrable credits, the program at Holy Family University will take students 2.5 years to complete due to course and clinical sequencing. MAT 151 is a prerequisite for entry into the program. MAT 210 is not a prerequisite for entry into the program, and can be completed at Holy Family University if a student chooses.

3.  Immaculata University: Students must receive a grade of B or higher in BIO 150, 151, 220, 230/240 and CHE 101. BIO 220 must be taught by an RD. These courses must have been completed within the past 5 years.  Only two attempts to earn the required grade are permitted. (2023)

4.  La Salle University: Students not participating in the Dual Admission program with La Salle University may need to take additional courses to meet Core requirements. Meet with a Transfer Advisor for additional information.

5.  Neumann University: All science courses must be completed with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above based on first graded attempt of completion. Anatomy & Physiology I, II, Microbiology, and Chemistry are factored into science GPA. All science, plus Nutrition and Statistics, must be taken within five years of application to Nursing major. (2023)

6.  Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences: Applicants must complete Human Anatomy & Physiology I and any second transferrable course with a grade of “C” or better prior to entering NUR 110. Students can select day or evening/weekend attendance. (2023)

7.  Roxborough Memorial hospital School of Nursing: All science courses require a 2.5 GPA or higher. BIO 150 & 151 must be taken within five years of application to program. College chemistry is not required if taken in high school (with lab) and completed with “C” or higher.

8.  Thomas Jefferson University: Students who complete ENG 100 can use the course to meet 3 cr. of the 9 cr. elective requirement.(2023)

9.  Villanova University: Not currently accepting transfer students due to lack of clinical sites. (2023)

10. Widener University: Students must complete a minimum of 60 college credits prior to the Widener program start (including the pre-requisite courses listed above) in order to be eligible. All other credits completed in addition to the pre-requisite courses and up to a total of 60 credits are transferable into Widener’s program as block credit. Only courses completed with a grade of C or higher are eligible for transfer. A minimum cumulative 3.0 is required. (2023)

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