Office of First-Generation Student Success

Welcome to the Office of First-Generation Student Success (FGSS). The office is funded through the Title III Strengthening Institutions Grant. 

A first-generation student is any student whose parents/guardians have not completed a four-year college (Bachelor’s) degree. The goal of our office is to provide services to support students in navigating campus resources and developing skills to increase academic success and graduation. As a first-generation student you are eligible to meet with a coach who can help you create a success plan tailored to your needs. Your coach will help you learn to utilize your strengths, develop your skills and balance your schoolwork with your other responsibilities in a way that can maximize your academic success.

Did you know you’re in good company? Check out our DCCC First-Generation Faculty and Staff database to see fellow first-generation (former) students! Connect with our office at to be connected with a first-gen mentor, peer and/or professional. 

National First-Generation College Celebration

The office of First-Generation Student Success (FGSS) at Delaware County Community College (DCCC) enthusiastically celebrates National First-Generation College Celebration Day (FGCC), by hosting First in My Family Week from November 4 to November 8.  This is our fourth year in joining many other colleges and universities across the nation to celebrate FGCC. For more information about DCCC’s celebration go to National First-Generation College Celebration and

Vision Statement

Our vision is for all first-generation students to find a welcoming environment and establish positive relationships that help students find success. We hope to provide services and programs that empower students to utilize services to help students reduce barriers to success and achieve their goals. 

The College has a variety of departments and resources that are here to help you. If you have any questions, contact us at 610-359-5325 or email us at

Student Support Services

Online Learning Support


Veterans services

 Financial Aid

Assessment Services

Campus Life

Student Accounts

Academic Support Resources

Helpful Glossary of College Terms

Learning at the College level is different from high school. Visit the Glossary of College Terms page to learn the range of ways certain offices, departments and other areas are referred to at the College academic level. 

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