The Online Resource Center for English Language Learners is for students learning English at all stages of their academic and professional life. It is also for those involved in their education: faculty, tutors, advisors, staff members, family and friends.
We understand that students learning English face various challenges and also have unique strengths. We hope to use this space to better serve English Language Learner (ELL) students, also referred to as English as a Second Language (ESL) students.
Future, current and former ELL/ESL students are welcome
Become part of the community. Here you can learn how to get help at the College, how to move through the ELL program, and how to become a successful student. You can learn about important resources in our community as well as life after college.
Faculty, tutors, advisors, staff, family and friends – please join us!
Here, you will be equipped with important College contacts and resources, and find the answers to your ELL questions. Most importantly, you will discover the valuable perspectives, stories and cultures of our ELL students.
The Online Resource Center for English Language Learners would not have been possible without the generous support of the entire College community. We would like to extend our special thanks to the Delaware County Community College Educational Foundation, which funded this project as a mini-grant, and to the College’s Center to Promote Teaching and Excellence, which helped us grow the Resource Center into what it is today. Thanks as well to all of our students, staff members, and faculty who support this space in creative and numerous ways.