Assessment Services

Assessment Services, located at the Marple Campus, Room 4260, is here to help ensure students achieve maximum potential at Delaware County Community College. Our services include testing, transfer of credit into the College, credit for prior learning, academic advisement and other services that support a student’s progress toward their academic goals. For information on any of our services, contact Assessment Services Office at 610-359-5322.

If you have visited the Assessment Services office, please take a few minutes and give us feedback by completing our Assessment Services Satisfaction Survey.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior learning can be evaluated for College credit through the use of standardized tests or the submission of a portfolio containing certificates, transcripts and other information that documents college-level learning earned outside a formal classroom.

Change of curriculum and advisor assignment are also handled by Assessment Services. We’re here to help.

Visit our Credit for Prior Learning page for more information.

Placement Testing

The first step to putting students on the right path begins with testing to ensure a good fit between an individual’s readiness and the rigor of the class. Placement test, SAT or ACT results are used for advising and course placement and do not count as part of an overall GPA.

New students may schedule their placement tests after they receive their acceptance package. Instructions for scheduling exams are detailed in the package. Students may access information and study materials at

To review the College’s placement retesting policy and placement test score expiration date, please visit the two following policies:

          English, Mathematics, and Reading Retesting Policy

          Placement Test Scores Expiration

For students whose English is a second language, an ESL placement test is available.

More information and study materials can be found at

Placement Test Waivers and Exemptions

The following scores and school transcript information may be used to exempt students from taking one of our placement tests and used for college-level placement in English and/or math. Students should have their score reports and/or school transcripts sent to the Assessment Services Office (

  • Minimum SAT score of 500 in EBRW (Evidence Based Reading and Writing) and/or score of 530 in Math taken within the last 5 years of when you complete your student application. To send official SAT scores, please use the College’s school code 2125. NOTE: A screenshot or unofficial copy of your scores are fine. It is not necessary to send an official.
  • Minimum ACT score of 18 in Reading and/or score of 20 in Math, taken within the last 5 years. To send official ACT scores, please use the College’s school code 3542. NOTE: A screenshot or unofficial copy of your scores are fine. It is not necessary to send an official.
  • Minimum PSAT score of 500 in English and/or score of 530 in Math, taken within the last 5 years.
  • Minimum Keystone score (or equivalent) of “Proficient” or Advanced” in Literature and/or in Algebra 1, taken within the last 5 years.
  • A college transcript indicating students have earned a U.S. college degree or have passed college-level English or math at an accredited U.S. college or university. Official transcript is required to have courses added to your student record at the College.
  • For English placement, a minimum score of 3 on the AP English Language and Composition (equates to ENG 100) or English Literature and Composition (equates to an English elective), taken within the last 5 years. An official transcript sent by College Board is required.
  • For English placement, a high school transcript with a GPA of 3.25 or greater for 3 years from an accredited American high school with grades in all English classes of “B” or higher.
  • For math placement, a high school transcript with GPA or 3.00 or greater for 3 years from an accredited American high school with grades in Algebra II and all other math classes of “B” or higher.

Please note that all test scores and high school transcripts should be within 5 years of the student starting classes.

In addition to placement tests, the College offers specialized testing including the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), American College Testing (ACT), and English as a Second Language placement test. For all testing information, visit our Testing Center page.

Testing Center

The Testing Center at the Marple Campus is open for in-person and remote testing by scheduled appointments only. We host a variety of testing needs, both in person and virtually. Below is a quick list, and for more detailed information, visit our Testing Center page.

    • In-person Placement testing at Marple
    • In-person Placement testing at Branch Locations
    • Remote Placement testing
    • In-person Course Exams
    • In-person Pearson VUE
    • In-person PRAXIS
    • In-person CLEP
    • In-person TEAS
    • In-person Certiport and Intercollegiate exams

To schedule a testing session, either onsite or remote, students can contact the testing center at testingcenter@dccc.eduor call 610-325-2776.

Transfer of Credit into DCCC

Students can transfer up to 36 credits from an accredited college toward an associate degree. Students working on a certificate may transfer up to half of the total credits for that certificate.

Visit our Transfer In web page for more information.

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