Municipal Police Academy

About the Act 120 Basic Program

Important Documents

Entrance Requirements
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Entrance Fitness Test Requirements
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Application Procedure


What is the Municipal Police Academy?

Delaware County Community College’s Municipal Police Academy is a licensed (0013) Pennsylvania Police Academy.

What does the Academy teach?

The Academy teaches the basic curriculum of Municipal Police Training as mandated by the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission.

What is the function of the Academy?

The function of the Academy is to provide training that will qualify individuals to perform the duties of a municipal police officer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Who may be admitted into the Academy?

Both sworn and unsworn applicants are eligible for admission. Unsworn applicants are individuals who are pursuing careers in Law Enforcement. Sworn police officers already have police jobs but must attend the Academy to satisfy state training requirements.

Where are classes held?

Classes are held at Delaware County Community College, located at 901 South Media Line Road, Media, Pennsylvania. Telephone: 610-359-7386.

When are classes scheduled?

The full-time Academy begins in January and July of calendar year. Full-time classes meet Monday through Saturday from 7:45 a.m. until 5 p.m. for 23 weeks.

What is the cost of Academy training?

Tuition for the program is $6,400, which includes books.

Is there a dress code?

Cadets are required to wear black pants, a white long-sleeve dress shirt, black tie, black belt, black socks and black shoes.

How can I receive additional information on the Academy and/or a registration form? 

By contacting the Academy at 610-359-7386, 610-359-5367 or email and providing your full name and mailing address.

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