Paramedic, Certificate of Proficiency (MEDX)

Degree Awarded Certificate
Division Workforce and Economic Development

Program Description

Effective: Fall 2021

The Paramedic, Certificate of Proficiency is designed for individuals who are seeking careers as paramedics. Paramedic careers include 9-1-1 emergency response, inter-facility and critical care transport via ground and aero-medical vehicles. The primary focus of the program is to provide the education, skills and clinical experiences to prepare the entry level paramedic for employment. The National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards: Paramedic Instructional Guidelines were used in developing the competencies and course content.

A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the program with a 2.0 GPA and a “C” or better in all program courses.


A Certificate of Proficiency will be awarded upon completion of the Paramedic program to students who maintain a 2.0 GPA or better and earn a “C” or better in all EMTP classes. Students who do not maintain a “C” or better in all EMTP courses, in accordance with the program retest policy, will be dismissed from the program and must reapply to the program in a subsequent year. Students will be allowed a total of one (1) retest for each written or practical final exam. A student is permitted to retest a total of three (3) retests of written or practical final examinations throughout the entire paramedic program. Failure to pass a 4th retest examination (written or practical) will result in dismissal from the Paramedic Program. Students will be allowed one (1) retest for the Program Summative Exam. There will be no opportunity to retest a quiz, group assignment, clinical assignment or research paper.


Students are required to submit the following documentation to the Director of Emergency Services Education in order to be considered for the certificate of proficiency no later than the second week of February in the year they are applying:

  • Submit clear Criminal Background checks.
  • Students living in Pennsylvania are required to submit a PA State Police background check as well as a FBI background check.
  • Students living outside Pennsylvania are required to submit a PA State Police background check, a FBI background check and a criminal background check from their state of residence.
  • If the student has a prior criminal history, he/she will be required to petition to the PA Bureau of EMS and be approved for admissions prior to acceptance into the Paramedic program.
  • Students with a prior criminal history are encouraged to contact their Regional EMS office to determine their eligibility for state certification as a paramedic.
  • Submit a clear Child Abuse background check.
  • Successfully complete a physical examination, including drug testing, by the students’ physician using the physical form provided by DCCC.
  • Submit verification of current medical health insurance, which must be maintained throughout the program.
  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be currently certified as a Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Technician (without restrictions or administrative actions) or have a reciprocity application in process for PA EMT certification. This certification must be maintained throughout the program.
  • Provide verifiable documentation in the form of a letter from a chief officer from an EMS organization of 25 patient contacts as primary patient care leader, where the candidate made the overall medical decisions for patient treatment and transport destination. This document must be submitted with the admissions packet in the second week of February in the year the student is applying.
  • Be currently certified as a CPR provider by one of the third-party accreditation bodies approved by the PA Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. This certification must be maintained throughout the program.


Upon successful completion of the 40 credits of EMTP courses with a “C” or better, students are eligible to sit for the National Registry exam to become certified as a Paramedic. This national certification exam consists of twelve psychomotor (skills) stations as well as a computer-based cognitive exam. Completion of the certificate of proficiency does not guarantee the student a National Registry certification as a paramedic.


Students may be dismissed from the program for violation of patient safety, confidentiality or behavior incompatible with acceptable standards pending outcome of the appeal process.

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. If a student is absent for more than 24 hours in the entire program they will be dismissed from the program. Students wishing to re-enter the program must re-apply.

Students who are accepted into the Paramedic, Certificate of Proficiency program are required to immediately divulge any misdemeanor or felony convictions that may occur while in the program to the Director of Emergency Services Education. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program in accordance with the Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services policies. In addition, upon review by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, the student may be dismissed from the program and denied paramedic certification.

This program requires a special process for admission. Check with Admissions to submit additional materials and/or follow procedures for admission.


Course SpotlightEMTP 100 Introduction and Patient Assessment gives an overview of emergency patient care. Topics include priorities in patient care, medical and legal ethics, and recognition and assessment of life-threatening conditions.

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