Effective: Fall 2016
The Photography program develops professional image-makers through student-centered inquiry and practice in visual communication. Studies in Photography encompass the history, critical and aesthetic theory and varied practices of photography as a medium of visual communication and expression in a diverse cultural society. Students explore a variety of photographic formats, including 35mm, medium format and 4×5 view cameras and acquire experience in black-and-white, color, alternative and digital imaging processes using state of the art methods, tools and facilities. The Associate of Fine Arts Degree will prepare students to transfer into a 4 year Bachelor of Fine Arts program. Students will be provided with all foundation-level studio courses with a primary concentration in photography. First-year requirements must be satisfied before beginning second-year course work.
Any remediation in Reading, English or Mathematics must be completed before beginning third semester courses.
The degree Associate in Fine Arts is awarded upon successful completion of the photography course sequence with a grade of “C” (2.0 GPA) or better in all ART courses. ART courses with a grade lower than “C” must be repeated.